Parish News 

St Patrick's Night 2019

March 15th 2019 saw shamrock a-plenty, dancing galore and a bit of the Irish stew, as the parish celebrated St Patrick just a couple of days early.

Music ranged from rock and roll to jigs, with some community singing thrown in.
Comedy, if it can be called that, came by way of groan-inducing silly jokes and ‘Letters from the mammy”. They were very funny!
That wasn’t all.   

A game of Irish bingo reached a tense finalé with competitive spirit coming to the fore(who would have thought?!), and there were many smiles with the super prizes won through the evening.

There was laughter, great community spirit -in more ways than one, and a tremendous feeling of parish fellowship.

All in all it was a smashing night, which raised £500 for parish funds.



Jo Hooker, 07/04/2019

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